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After answering one Quora Question about Donald Trump, I would get 10 " comments" from the DONALD TRUMP HATERS CLUB. I began to notice that almost all of these Trump-haters were Non-Christians. Well, that made sense because according to prophecy which had been given by Kim Clement, Donald Trump was sent by God to run for President. ALL my cats both "love me" AND "hate me" at the very same time, which keeps me ever-so-mindful that if for some reason I croak inside this house without any of my human people knowing, they would probably feast upon my dead carcass such that nothing would be left but my cold and empty bones and the local CSI unit wouldn't be able to figure out who the hell dunit. So, with that, and since I definitely don't want to become some random episode of "Unsolved Mysteries" down the road, every time I see their fluffy, smiling, endearing little mugs that either may or may not be plotting my demise – I, keep, going! "There is a lot of misinformation going around about this bill, including that only a small amount goes to infrastructure," Bradley said in an interview. The Chamber of Commerce executive pointed to hundreds of billions of dollars devoted to roads, transit, airports, and shipping ports. And the legislation also calls for major investments in broadband and the US power grid.

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